Activity Pack

Activity: Conversation Coach

Have AI coach you through tough conversations.



Navigating tough conversations at work can be a source of stress (and dread). Fortunately, AI can be your own personal sounding board for coming up with the right approach to these difficult discussions. It can advise you on your approach, key points to hit, ways to keep the dialogue civil and effective, and it can even help you role-play the conversation ahead of time. So whether you're searching for the perfect opening line or seeking a confident way to articulate your requests, AI can help.

MoS_AIDay_Activities_CardImage_Conversation Coach

MastersofAIDay_icon-05_whatneedWhat You'll Need

  • Computer/Laptop Access: One device per person or one device for smaller groups of 2-3 people.
  • AI Tool Access: For this activity, we recommend ChatGPT or Pi.


 Participants: 2–6

  Duration: 30 mins

  Topic: Productivity

Ground Rules

experimentation & learning 

hesitations & concerns about AI

  Set aside
assumptions & perfectionism

  Have fun
and be creative


MastersofAIDay_icon-06_whatdoWhat You'll Do

1. Get Started (5 minutes)

Ideate: Brainstorm a list of workplace conversations that can be tough to have: asking your manager for a promotion; approaching a potential investor; or giving constructive feedback to a colleague after observing an interaction they had with a client. 

AI Tip: Ask AI for a list of common challenging work-related conversations.
Choose: Choose 1-2 conversations you want to ask AI for help with. Be sure to decide on both the topic and the person you want to speak with — for example, a manager, a board member, or a colleague. 

2. Plan (2-5 minutes) 

Come up with and list specific details and elements for your conversation. Provide as much context as you can, including:

  • the exact ask or topic
  • relevant details about you, the person you will be speaking with, and your relationship with each other
  • tone you hope for
  • most challenging parts of the conversation
  • conversation components — do you want help breaking the ice, making the actual ask, wrapping up the conversation, or all of the above?
3. Explore (15 minutes)

Prompt AI with an initial request to help you with your conversation. Be as specific as possible with your prompt, providing essential details and information.

For inspiration, here's an example prompt:

"I need help asking my supervisor for a raise. I have been working at my company for over 2 years. I feel like I have taken many responsibilities and accomplished a lot of my set goals. My boss seems stressed, and the company is “tightening its belt,” but I would still like to have this conversation given my individual performance and success.” 

Review the advice provided by AI. If you’re not getting the help you were hoping for, try adding more detail to your initial prompt. You can also ask AI to elaborate on a response it gives. You may also want to dive deeper by asking for help with the more nuanced parts of the conversation, like opening words, transitioning into the difficult subject area, and how to de-escalate if the person you are talking to becomes defensive or argumentative.

4. Reflect and Share (5 minutes)
How’d it go? Did AI tackle the task? And how would you rate the results? Gather as a group to think and talk about what you learned from this exercise. Share surprises, aha moments and challenges, and how your learnings and realizations could help you in your own work.

MastersofAIDay_icon-07_tipsTips & Suggestions

  • Think about each step of the interaction — from the initial reach-out email or Slack, to the Zoom or in-person meeting — AI can help you figure out your approach at every stage of the process.
  • Ask for general advice on social interactions like: “How do you transition from small talk to a conversation about a promotion?”
  • Try asking the AI to role-play the conversation with you.