Activity Pack

ChatStarter 3: Is AI Just for Finding Information?

Think, learn, and talk about big questions and pressing issues related to AI.



Use the quote and prompts below as a springboard to discuss and explore how AI can be used for more than just gathering information. 

MastersofAIDay_icon-05_whatneedWhat You'll Need

  • Pen and paper/sticky notes

MastersofAIDay_icon-06_whatdoWhat You'll Do

1. Read

[Ai is] not just about directions or getting information. It’s about venting your frustrations. It’s about asking a stupid question that you’re sort of too embarrassed to ask a friend or a colleague. It’s about sharing in a quiet, private moment when you want to reflect.

— Mustafa Suleyman, Co-founder and CEO of Inflection AI 


2. Reflect 

How could you see yourself using AI for reasons other than gathering information? What ethical implications could there be? Jot down 3-5 ideas.

3. Share
  • Share one of your ideas.
  • Discuss: What are potential concerns or questions you have about using AI for these purposes? What are potential benefits? How can you collectively solve for one potential concern?


 Participants: 2–6

  Duration: 20 mins

Ground Rules

experimentation & learning 

hesitations & concerns about AI

  Set aside
assumptions & perfectionism

  Have fun
and be creative
